Contract Number 47QTCA24D00EY
NSN/SIN: 54151S

8a Direct Awards
ZealRiver Technologies, Inc. and our SBA 8a Joint Venture (ZRS Solutions LLC) can receive Direct Awards in excess of the individually-owned 8(a) thresholds of $4.5M (13 CFR 124.506)

SA 8(a) Streamlined Technology Acquisition Resource for Services STARS III
The government uses the General Services Administration’s (GSA) Streamlined Technology Acquisition Resource for Services (STARS) III as a Multiple Award, Indefinite-Delivery, Indefinite-Quantity (MA-IDIQ) contract to provide information technology (IT) services and IT services-based solutions which may include the integration of ancillary support which is necessary and integral to the IT services being acquired. STARS III Master Contract awards are reserved exclusively for qualifying Small Business Administration (SBA) certified 8(a) prime contractors with competitive prices.

The Master Contract scope provides Federal agencies with customized IT services and IT services-based solutions, both commercial and non-commercial, as defined in the Clinger-Cohen Act and FAR 2.101. Customized IT services-based solutions can be tailored to meet an agency’s particular mission needs and may include new and emerging technologies that evolve over the life of the Master Contract. The principal nature of any resulting Order must be for IT services; however, ancillary support may be included when it is integral to and necessary for the IT services-based effort. Services may be performed at Government and/or Contractor locations worldwide,
as specified in each Order.
(NAICS) Codes available From ZRS Solutions:
STARS III Scope Sub-Areas
Scope Sub-Area 1: Emerging Technology – Focused IT Services
STARS III Master Contract Number: 47QTCB21D0385
CAGE Code: 8NJ56
GSA 8(a) Stars Information: GSA's 8(a)STARS III Overview
Cheryl W. Brown, GSA Stars III Program Manager
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Office: (334) 593-3127
Unrestricted, 5 years (2014-2024) with one 5 year option, Pool 3 and Pool 6 Small Business, Pool 4 and Pool 6
3 year base with 4 one-year option periods (7 years with all options exercised) 2 April 2015 – 1 April 2022
Multiple-award, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract that serves as replacement vehicle for Application Solutions Small Business currently in use through the Network-Centric Solutions-2 IDIQ contract.